Surge Protector Protection Classification
Surge Protector Protection Classification
According to the characteristics of the nonlinear elements used
1.1 Voltage switching SPD
Common nonlinear elements include discharge gaps, gas discharge tubes, etc., which have the characteristics of large current capacity (nominal current and maximum current), and are particularly suitable for lightning overvoltage protection in areas susceptible to direct lightning strikes (i.e., L PZ0A area).
1.2 Voltage limiting SPD
Common nonlinear elements include zinc oxide varistors, transient suppression diodes, etc., which are a large number of commonly used overvoltage protectors and are generally suitable for indoor use (i.e., L PZ0B, L PZ1, L PZ2 areas).
1.3 Combined SPD
A combination of voltage switching elements and voltage limiting elements is used. With the different characteristics of the applied impulse voltage, the SPD sometimes exhibits switching SPD characteristics, sometimes exhibits voltage limiting SPD characteristics, and sometimes exhibits both characteristics at the same time.